Medical Laboratory Technology
Department of Allied Health: (361) 698-2820
The Medical Laboratory Technology curriculum leads to the Associate in Applied Science degree. Program objectives are
- to educate medical laboratory technicians to perform routine clinical laboratory tests as the primary analyst making specimen-oriented decisions and predetermined criteria, including a working knowledge of critical values, and
- to educate medical laboratory technicians in accordance with the standards of the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences, 5600 N. River Road Suite 720, Rosemont, IL 60018, (773) 714-8880.
The Medical Laboratory Technology program is offered in cooperation with local pathologists, hospitals, the Community Blood Bank, and other health service agencies. A committee made up of members representing the above agencies and Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi functions as advisors for the program.
Any or all of the general education courses listed in the curriculum may be taken prior to admission to the program. However, MATH 1314 and either ENGL 1301, or BIOL 2404 must be completed prior to the fall semester in which the student enters the program. If an applicant elects to complete BIOL 2404 first, the applicant must be eligible for ENGL 1301 prior to enrolling in the program. Students who have failed any Medical Laboratory Technology course will be permitted to re-enter the program, if space is available, one additional time.
In addition to the general admission requirements of the College and the health sciences programs, in order to be considered for admission into the Medical Laboratory Technology Program, the applicant must complete the following:
- submit a Medical Laboratory Technology Application and all required admission documentation by July 15.
- submit all college transcripts showing evidence of completion or of current enrollment in prerequisite courses
- have a minimum grade point average of 2.0 overall
- must be on college level in Reading, English, and Math
- must schedule an interview with the program director
Students who are able to complete prerequisite courses during the second summer semester may be eligible for conditional acceptance. Students will be notified of their admission status by August 1.
After program acceptance and prior to the first class day, the student must submit a completed physical examination which includes the complete Hepatitis B series and a current college transcript.
Prior to beginning clinicals, the student must pass a background check and drug screen test, at student's expense, for security clearance and continued enrollment in the program. Students must also present or obtain a current card of completion in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) for Health Care Providers which must be maintained while enrolled in any clinical course.
Opportunities for Certified Laboratory Assistants and Medical Laboratory Technicians who wish to register for continuing education purposes may be accepted on a space-available basis for MLT non-clinical courses. Interested students should contact the MLT faculty for additional information.
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