Del Mar College Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy


Federal Regulations require the establishment and application of reasonable standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for the purpose of maintaining eligibility for Title IV of the Higher Education Act financial aid programs. The SAP requirements explained below apply to all Title IV financial aid as well as to state and institutional financial aid programs, need-based and non-need-based aid, unless otherwise noted by an individual scholarship program.

The Financial Aid Office evaluates student compliance with SAP each semester. Students who are on probation or who are following an academic plan will have their SAP reviewed at the end of each semester enrolled to determine if the student is making progress in accordance with their academic plan.

The three standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress are as follows:

  1. Grade Point Average (GPA) Requirement

    Students must maintain a cumulative Del Mar College (DMC) GPA of 2.00 on all coursework taken at DMC. Grades for repeated courses are counted towards the cumulative GPA.

  2. 67% Completion Rate of Enrollment Requirement

    Students must maintain a cumulative 67% completion rate on all coursework completed at DMC.

  3. Maximum Time Frame to Complete a Program

    The maximum time frame for students to complete a certificate or associate degree may not exceed 150% of the published length of the program. Students have up to 90 attempted hours of coursework to complete an associate degree.


  • Completed credit hours include all courses for which a student is enrolled in after census day.
  • Grades of “W”, “WP”, “WF”, “F”, “I”, “IP”, “IF”, and any other non-letter grade (besides grades of “A”, “B”, “C”, or “D”) will not be part of the completed credit hours when calculating the completion rate.
  • The academic amnesty policy “Fresh Start” does not apply to Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  • The completed hours in question count as hours completed and grades earned at the DMC and are included in the student’s GPA.
  • Students are allowed up to 30 hours of remedial/developmental coursework that will count towards the maximum number of hours completed towards the student’s academic program and GPA.
  • Students are only eligible to change their major/degree plan twice for an Associate degree plan; and up to three times for Certificate degree plans.
  • Repeated courses count in the completion rate calculation.

Compliance with the SAP Policy must be met in order for a student to retain their financial aid eligibility. Students are advised to check their status through Self-Service Financial Aid. The information below describes each SAP status in detail:

  1. Good Standing

    Students are in Good Standing with Financial Aid if they meet all three (3) standards of progress outlined above. These students may participate in any financial aid programs provided that they meet all other eligibility criteria, subject to availability of funds.

  2. Warning

    Students did not meet minimum standards in the previous evaluation period. However, they are still eligible for financial aid but must reach all minimum standards by the end of the next evaluation period to maintain eligibility.

  3. Financial Aid Suspension

    Students are suspended from financial aid if they do not meet all of the Satisfactory Academic Progress criteria listed above. Students who are suspended will receive a financial aid suspension notice. Students who are on suspension may continue to enroll but must pay for all their expenses without financial aid assistance.

  4. Probation (AP)

    Students who appeal their financial aid suspension and are approved are put on “probation” for one semester. An “end term” listing the term when the student is expected to be following SAP is established. In order to continue to be eligible for financial aid for future semesters, the student must meet SAP standards for the probationary semester. Students who fail to meet SAP standards for the semester will be placed on financial aid suspension.

  5. Academic Success Plan (ASP)

    Students who successfully complete the probationary semester (met SAP criteria for the semester) but who are not able to attain full compliance with the SAP Policy are placed on an Academic Success Plan. In order to continue to be eligible for financial aid for future semesters, the student must meet SAP standards for every semester enrolled under the Academic Success Plan. Students who fail to meet SAP standards for any semester enrolled while under the Academic Plan are placed on permanent financial aid suspension.

  6. Timeframe Success Plan (TSP)

    Students who exceeded the credit hour limits and are not making progress toward a degree/certificate within the 150% federal requirement are ineligible for financial aid. For example, an Associate of Arts degree is 60 credit hours, but the student completed more than 90 credit hours.

Appeal Process

Students may appeal their suspension status. The appeal process is initiated with the Financial Aid Office by picking up an Appeal form within our office. The student will complete this form by detailing the reason for not meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements, establishing a plan for making academic progress, and outlining educational goals. Additional documentation to substantiate the reason(s) for not meeting SAP requirements should be submitted and attached to the Appeal form.

Students should be prepared to cover tuition and fees until the appeal has been reviewed. The processing time could take up to four (4) weeks.


If the appeal is approved, the student is placed on probation, and eligibility is reinstated subject to continued compliance with SAP requirements. Progress is reviewed at the end of the semester to verify that the student is meeting the standards and is following the degree plan.

Failure to meet SAP requirements while on probation will result in a financial aid suspension.

The status for students who do not enroll in classes during the semester for which they received an approved appeal will return to suspension status at the end of the semester, and the student will be required to submit a new appeal for any future semester reinstatement requests.

Based on the agreement with the Del Mar College Financial Aid Office, continuous enrollment is required each year. The lack of consistent enrollment will result in the inability to complete the approved program during the length of time agreed upon. As a result, eligibility will not be extended to account for any semesters of non-enrollment (except summer/if the student does not enroll).

Students who fail to meet SAP for any semester enrolled will have their financial aid eligibility immediately suspended.

In addition, students whose eligibility is re-suspended are not allowed to re-appeal their financial aid suspension.


Students who fail to meet SAP requirements for any semester enrolled will have their financial aid eligibility immediately suspended.

No federal or state financial aid (including student loans) may be awarded. The student may continue to enroll but at their own expense and can re-appeal after completing at least one (1) semester and meet the SAP requirements for the semester(s) completed. The Appeal Committee’s decision is final and may not be appealed further.