2. Developmental Courses

You might need to enroll in developmental courses to build a strong academic foundation prior to enrolling in college-level courses.

It takes determination on your part to postpone career plans while doing developmental work in English, Mathematics, or Reading. However, these academic enrichment courses will establish the needed preparations prior to enrolling in college-level work.

You should know that you pay tuition for these courses, the grades earned are reflected on your permanent transcript, and, in most instances, these courses do not count toward a degree. However, through these classes, you develop good study habits, improve reading comprehension, increase ability to analyze, and develop reasoning skills. This is what building an academic foundation is really all about.

Your developmental course needs might be met by non-semester length developmental education interventions, Non-Course Based Option (NCBO), rather than semester length developmental education coursework. Check with the Chairperson of the appropriate department to see if you are qualified to take an NCBO.

Students who enroll in developmental coursework may be required to co-enroll in the entry-level freshman course of the same subject matter in the same semester, as required by Texas state law.

For the 2024–2025 academic year, co-requisite enrollment is as follows:

  • If a student scored on the TSIA2 test (a) 936–944 or EFL 5 or 6 in Reading and scored an Essay 3–4 and 936–944, or EFL 5 or 6 for English, or on the TSI scored (b) 354+ and an essay of 0–3 and Reading score of 342–350, they must enroll in ENGL 1301 and INRW 0408 (Integrated Reading and Writing).
  • If a student’s math score on the TSIA2 is in the range of 946–949 of EFL 5* or on the TSI the range of 346–349 and the degree or certificate plan requires a college-level math course, then they must enroll in a corequisite set of math courses that includes both a Foundations Mathematics course (MATH 0314, MATH 0324, MATH 0332, MATH 0342) and the required college-level Mathematics course (MATH 1314, MATH 1324, MATH 1332, MATH 1342). The math corequisite course set will depend on their degree requirements. The current corequisite math course options are MATH 0314/MATH 1314 (College Algebra), MATH 0324/MATH 1324 (Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences I), MATH 0332/MATH 1332 (Contemporary Mathematics I), or MATH 0342/MATH 1342 (Elementary Statistical Methods).

Note (*): For TSIA2 score using EFL 23, EFL 5, or <950 and EFL 6, placement is with Mathematics Department Chair Approval.