Honors Program
Each academic department may offer several discipline-related honors plans to provide intellectual stimulus and professional development while awarding special recognition. Some plans provide a broad experience of inter-related study. Others emphasize intensive study of a single subject.
The academic Department Chair will serve as administrator for their program student majors interested in pursuing the Honors Program. The Department Chair has fundamental responsibility of admitting their student majors into the program based on the program application and consultation with the recommending faculty member. The academic department will notify the Office of Vice President and Chief Academic Officer of all students accepted into an Honors Program.
For a current listing of disciplines with honors credit, please visit the Honors Program section of the Del Mar College website (https://delmar.edu/current-students/honors-program.html).
Reasonable progression towards the completion of a plan, with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA, is required in the Program. Re-admittance in the Program is possible for extenuating circumstances.
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