Academic Honesty
You are expected to maintain the integrity of the College by maintaining academic honesty for yourself and by expecting academic honesty from your fellow students. One of the requirements for passing the courses you take at Del Mar College is that you do your own work. Meeting this requirement means avoiding plagiarism, collusion, and cheating.
Plagiarism occurs when a student takes another’s words or ideas and uses them as if they were the student’s own. This can happen in three ways: 1) A student copies another’s words without using quotation marks and without giving the source, 2) A student puts another’s ideas into the student’s words but does not give the source, and 3) A student duplicates another’s structure of thought or organization of ideas but does not give the source.
Collusion occurs when someone else writes all or any part of a student’s paper. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, a student looking at another’s work, using unauthorized materials during a test or written assignment, or fabricating data, methodology, results, findings from those in an official document, publication or research, and claiming them to be authentic.
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