Department of Natural Sciences

Associate in Science Degrees:

  • Biology
    Including specializations for the following Pre-Professional Programs:
    • Pre-Chiropractic
    • Pre-Dental
    • Pre-Medical
    • Pre-Veterinary Medicine
    • Other Pre-Professional Health programs
  • Chemistry
    Including specializations for the following Pre-Professional Programs:
    • Pre-Pharmacy
    • Pre-Physical Therapy
    • Natural Gas Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Geology
  • Physics

Associate in Applied Science Degree:

  • Biotechnology 

Certificate (Level II):

  • Biotechnology

The curricula listed for the Division of Arts and Sciences are designed for the student pursuing the associate in science degree and/or transfer to a university. On the Associate in Science degree, there may be certain specializations in the department for which a package of courses is recommended.

For many of these plans, students are assumed to have proficiency in algebra and trigonometry. If a deficiency exists in these areas, students are advised to take MATH 1314 - College Algebra, and MATH 1316 - Plane Trigonometry during the summer prior to fall enrollment in the first year. Course plans beginning with MATH 2413 require that students have prior credit in MATH 1314 and 1316 either by course work or proficiency examination.

Students majoring in areas listed above in the Department of Natural Sciences should follow the suggested course plans to satisfy the Associate in Science degree requirements. Some variation of these plans may be necessary to meet baccalaureate requirements at a particular college or university.

Regardless of the area of specialization, the student who plans to transfer should examine the requirements of the college he or she plans to attend.

Various 2+2 degree plans exist with Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, and other state institutions.

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