Pre-Professional Health
- Pre-Chiropractic
- Pre-Dental
- Pre-Medical
- Pre-Pharmacy
- Pre-Physical Therapy
- Pre-Veterinary Medicine
- Other Pre-Professional Health
Also see: Nursing, Pre-Medical Technology
Pre-professional requirements vary among the professional programs and may change. Please consult with the various professional programs regarding their current admissions requirements.
The requirements listed in this section do not constitute degree plans and are given for informational purposes only to assist in preparing to meet requirements for application to professional programs. Students preparing for these programs and also seeking an Associate in Science degree will usually major in pre-medical technology, chemistry or biology and should plan their course selections carefully to avoid accumulating excessive hours before transferring to a senior university.
All students preparing for professional training in dentistry, medicine, or veterinary medicine should select an academic major and plan to complete a baccalaureate degree in the field of their choice before entering professional school, since the number of students admitted without a degree is very small.
Pre-Chiropractic Requirements
Sixty or more hours of coursework are required for admission to most chiropractic programs. Recommended courses include:
- Biological Science (BIOL 1406, BIOL 2401, BIOL 2402)
- General Inorganic Chemistry (CHEM 1411, CHEM 1412)
- Organic Chemistry (CHEM 2323/CHEM 2123, CHEM 2325/CHEM 2125)
- General Physics (PHYS 1401, PHYS 1402)
- English/Composition (ENGL 1301, ENGL 1302)
- General Psychology (PSYC 2301)
- Social Sciences (HIST 1301, HIST 1302; GOVT 2305, GOVT 2306, Literature)
- Mathematics as required for chemistry and physics (MATH 1314, MATH 1316)
Certain course substitutions may be possible. See your advisor for details.
Pre-Dental Requirements
All applicants to dental schools should plan to take the Dental Admission Test (DAT) sometime after their sophomore year and should submit applications to the schools approximately one year in advance of planned entrance. For specific admission requirements, students should consult the most recent edition of Admissions Requirements of United States and Canadian Dental Schools and dental school catalogs.
The minimum admissions requirements for most American dental schools which could be taken at the lower division include:
Certain course substitutions are permitted. See advisor for details.
Students planning to complete an associate degree at Del Mar College should work closely with an advisor to avoid accumulating excessive hours. It may be necessary to defer some of the pre-professional courses listed to a university if an associate degree is desired.
Pre-Medical Requirements
Students planning to make application to medical schools must take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) sometime after their sophomore year. For specific admission requirements, students should consult the most recent edition of Medical School Admission Requirements and medical school catalogs.
The minimum admission requirements for most American medical schools include the following lower division courses:
Certain course substitutions are permitted. See advisor for details.
Students planning to complete an associate degree at Del Mar College should work closely with an advisor to avoid accumulating excessive hours. It may be necessary to defer some of the pre-professional courses listed to a university if an associate degree is desired.
Pre-Pharmacy Requirements
Admission to most pharmacy programs requires 90 or more hours of coursework. Students will usually be required to take the Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) prior to admission to the professional program. Students should consult a pre-pharmacy advisor at Del Mar to plan class schedules.
Courses which could be completed at the lower division include:
Certain course substitutions are permitted. See advisor for details.
Students planning to complete an associate degree at Del Mar College should work closely with an advisor to avoid accumulating excessive hours. It may be necessary to defer some of the pre-professional courses listed to a university if an associate degree is desired.
Pre-Physical Therapy Requirements
Most physical therapy programs require 90 or more hours of coursework; some programs require a baccalaureate degree prior to admission. Some programs also require the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). Previous work as an aide or volunteer in physical therapy is often required for admission. Specific course requirements vary considerably among the programs; consult your advisor to develop an education plan and class schedule at Del Mar College.
Courses which are required at most schools include:
- English/Composition (ENGL 1301, ENGL 1302)
- Sophomore literature or philosophy — 3 semester hours
- One year of anatomy and physiology (BIOL 2401, BIOL 2402)
- One year of introductory majors’ track biology (BIOL 1406 plus BIOL 1407)
- Algebra and trigonometry (MATH 1314, MATH 1316)
- One year of general chemistry (CHEM 1411, CHEM 1412)
- Eight semester hours of physics (PHYS 1401, PHYS 1402)
- Two, or more, semesters of psychology (PSYC 2301, PSYC 2314)
- One semester of speech (SPCH 1315)
- One year of United States History (HIST 1301, HIST 1302)
- One year of Federal and Texas Government (GOVT 2305, GOVT 2306)
Certain course substitutions are permitted. See advisor for details.
Students planning to complete an associate degree at Del Mar College should work closely with an advisor to avoid accumulating excessive hours. It may be necessary to defer some of the pre-professional courses listed to a university if an associate degree is desired.
Pre-Veterinary Medicine Requirements
All applicants to schools of veterinary medicine must take a nationally standardized test and submit their applications six to 12 months before planned entrance. Some schools require the Veterinary Aptitude Test (VAT), others the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) or the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).
Minimum admissions requirements which can be fulfilled at the lower division include the following courses:
Certain course substitutions are permitted. See advisor for details.
Students planning to complete an associate degree at Del Mar College should work closely with an advisor to avoid accumulating excessive hours. It may be necessary to defer some of the pre-professional courses listed to a university if an associate degree is desired.
Other Pre-Professional Health Requirements
The Department of Natural Sciences also offers courses appropriate for students in pre-occupational therapy, pre-podiatric medicine, pre-physician assistant, pre-optometry, and others. Consult the department office for more information. The Pre-Medical Technology degree provides a pathway for an Associate in Arts degree with biology, chemistry and health care related courses to prepare students for programs within allied health, dental and imaging areas.
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