Component Area Option (6 Credit Hours)

Component Codes: 090, 091, 092, 093, 094

Each course may only be counted once within a degree plan.
Please see an advisor for the recommended course for your major.

ARCH 1301 Architectural History I 3
ARCH 1302 Architectural History II 3
ARTS 1304 Art History II 3
BIOL 1108 Fundamentals of Cell Biology Laboratory I 1
BIOL 1109 Diversity and Environment Laboratory 1
CHEM 1105 Introductory Chemistry I Laboratory 1
CHEM 1107 Introductory Chemistry II Laboratory 1
CHEM 1406 Basic Chemistry 4
CHEM 1411 General Inorganic Chemistry I 4
DANC 2303 Dance Appreciation 3
DRAM 1310 Theater Appreciation 3
DRAM 2361 History of the Theater I 3
DRAM 2366 Film Appreciation 3
ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics 3
EDUC 1100 Learning Frameworks 1
ENGL 1301 Composition I 3
ENGL 1302 Composition II 3
ENGL 2311 Technical and Business Writing 3
ENGL 2321 British Literature 3
ENGL 2322 British Literature I 3
ENGL 2323 British Literature II 3
ENGL 2326 American Literature 3
ENGL 2327 American Literature I 3
ENGL 2328 American Literature II 3
ENGL 2332 World Literature I 3
ENGL 2333 World Literature II 3
ENGL 2341 Forms of Literature 3
ENGL 2351 Mexican American Literature 3
GEOG 1303 World Regional Geography 3
GEOL 1103 Physical Geology Laboratory 1
GEOL 1104 Historical Geology (lab) 1
KINE 1164 Introduction to Physical Fitness and Wellness 1
KINE 1304 Personal/Community Health I: Health and Lifestyle 3
MATH 1316 Plane Trigonometry 3
MATH 1324 Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences I 3
MATH 1325 Calculus for Business and Social Sciences 3
MATH 1342 Elementary Statistical Methods 3
MATH 2413 Calculus I 4
PHYS 2425 University Physics I 4
PHYS 2426 University Physics II 4
PSYC 2301 General Psychology 3
SOCI 2319 Minority Studies I 3
SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication 3
SPCH 1315 Fundamentals of Public Speaking 3
SPCH 1321 Business and Professional Communication 3

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