
  1. Breaches of Conduct

    The College regards the following as types of misconduct which, if established, will result in appropriate disciplinary action:

    • Academic cheating and plagiarism of any kind (see Chapter 7, B7.13.7 of the Standards of Student Conduct Policy).
    • Furnishing false information to the College or filing or making known false charges against the College.
    • Destruction, damage, unauthorized possession or misuse of College property, including library and laboratory materials and equipment, or of private property on the campus.
    • Forgery, alteration, unauthorized possession, or misuse of College documents, records, or identification cards.
    • Physical or verbal abuse of another person in the College community. Any verbal threat or abuse or physical action against any College employee and/or student is considered sufficient grounds for immediate suspension from the College, subject to a disciplinary hearing.
    • Participation in hazing, in contravention of the Texas Education Code, Section 4.51 to 1.58, inclusive.
    • Use, distribution or possession of alcoholic beverages, dangerous drugs, or controlled substances while on College property or at any authorized activity sponsored by or for any College-related organization, whether on or off the campus.
    • Disorderly conduct which inhibits or interferes with the educational responsibility of the College community or which disrupts the administrative or service functions of the College to include social-educational activities.
    • Actions which violate state or federal law or city or county ordinances.
    • Misconduct or misuse of elected or appointed office in a student organization, or endangering its members, or the welfare of the College community.
    • Incorrigible or persistently irresponsible behavior.
    • Gambling on campus or on College property.
    • Conduct which disrupts teaching with detrimental effects upon other students.
    • Any disruption of ongoing educational activities of the College which warrants disciplinary action.
  2. Disciplinary Action

    Any one or more of the following disciplinary actions may be imposed by the College:

    • Admonition and warning.
    • Loss of privileges.
    • Removal from elective or appointive office.
    • Loss of such other privileges which may be consistent with the offense committed, and the rehabilitation of the student.
    • Disciplinary probation with or without loss of designated privileges, for a specified period of time. The violation of the terms of disciplinary probation or the infraction of any College rule during the disciplinary action will result in automatic suspension.
    • Suspension from the College for a definite period of time.
    • Expulsion from the College.

Suspension or expulsion from the College will require that the student be afforded a hearing to present their side of the incident or action prior to the administrative suspension or expulsion decision. A student may be suspended or expelled prior to a hearing when there is imminent danger to the student or another individual on campus.

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