
Here are some details about life on campus that you should know.

Student Identification Cards

Student identification cards (IDs) are issued free of charge to you when you first register; however, a charge will be made for replacements. We know, you hate the picture. Also, IDs must be validated each subsequent registration period.

Cards are good for admission to College functions, for obtaining library materials and for using recreational facilities. You should carry it with you at all times and present it upon request.

You can get your ID card at the Harvin Center (Heritage Campus) or the Barth Learning Resources Center (Windward Campus) by showing proof of registration. Identification cards are made during all library hours except the first and last 30 minutes of operation.

Parking Permits

To park your vehicle on campus, you need a Parking Permit. Permits are obtained by filling out a registration card and submitting it to Campus Security. You will immediately receive the permit from Security.

Lost and Found

If you have lost or found an item, check with the Office of Student Leadership and Campus Life, located in the Harvin and Coleman Student Centers. If books or other items are turned in and they have your name and phone number, an Office of Student Leadership and Campus Life staff member will attempt to contact you.

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