Dr. Mark Escamilla
Lenora Keas
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
Dr. Jonda L. Halcomb
Vice President and Chief Academic Officer
Patricia Benavides-Dominguez
Vice President for Student Affairs
Augustin Rivera, Jr.
General Counsel
Raul Garcia, CPA
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
John Strybos
Vice President and Chief Physical Facilities Officer
Ali Kolahdouz
Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Tammy McDonald
Vice President of Administration and Human Resources
Mary McQueen
Executive Director of Development
Lorette Williams
Executive Director of Communication and Marketing
Dr. Cynthia Bridges
Dean of Division of Communication, Fine Arts, and Social Sciences
Dr. Jack Southard
Interim Dean of Division of Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, Kinesiology, and Education
Davis Merrell
Dean of Division of Industry and Public Service
Jennifer Sramek
Dean of Division of Business, Entrepreneurship, and Health Sciences
Dr. Kristina Ramirez Wilson
Associate Vice President of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Cheryl G. Sanders
Associate Vice President for Student Affairs
Rita R. Hernandez, LPC
Dean of Student Engagement and Retention
Graciela Martinez
Dean of Student Outreach and Enrollment Services
Cody Gregg
Dean of Learning Resources
Dr. Leonard Rivera
Dean of Continuing Education and Off-Campus Programs
Daniel Korus
Dean of Workforce Programs and Corporate Services
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