3. Career Development Office
The Career Development Office offers information, assistance and guidance to you and alumni interested in identifying and planning a new career, preparing for employment, changing careers or providing referrals to part-time, full-time and career positions. Del Mar works in conjunction with Texas Workforce Solutions to put you in touch with employers in our area and to advise you as to the targeted occupations which can afford the best opportunity for you. Del Mar uses the Hire Vikings Job Portal for both applicants, alumni and employers. More information on how to use the Hire Vikings Job Portal can be found in the Hire Vikings section of the Del Mar College website (https://www.delmar.edu/dmcjobbank.aspx).
Workshops and individual appointments are available to help you with career goals, job search strategies, résumé writing, labor market information and interviewing techniques.
The department is located at both the East Campus and West Campus. For more information, visit, contact the Office directly at (361) 698-2467 or go online and view the Career Development section of the Del Mar College website (https://www.delmar.edu/offices/engage/career-development.html).
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