1. Library Facilities
Del Mar College has two excellent library facilities to support students in their educational journeys: (1) the William F. White, Jr. Library, which supports the instructional programs taught on the East Campus; and (2) the Howard E. Barth Learning Resources Center, which has materials pertaining to the technical, safety and allied health programs taught on the West Campus. The White Library (East Campus) is currently closed for renovation. Students can access most library services at the Barth LRC on the West Campus. Please see the Del Mar College Libraries website (https://delmar.edu/library) or call (361) 698-1310 for information on East Campus library services.
Information Resources
The libraries offer a wide variety of resources for student success including thousands of physical books and audiovisual media, ebooks, streaming audio and video, and full text online databases with millions of journal and magazine articles. The libraries’ discovery service, Beacon, is the gateway to all of these resources and is available on the Del Mar College Libraries website (https://delmar.edu/library). Online resources can be accessed from off-campus with college-issued WebDMC login credentials. Library materials may be borrowed upon presentation of a valid Del Mar College ID card. Librarians and staff are available to assist with using the information resources in person, by phone, and online via our chat service.
Computing Resources
Each library contains a Student Technology Center which provides access to a large number of Mac and Windows computers with Internet-access. Because of the closure of the White Library for renovation, a temporary Student Technology Center is located in the Venters Building on the East Campus in VB 238. In addition, the Student Technology Centers provide access to scanners, a variety of printers including color printing and large format printing, productivity and instructional support software, accessibility hardware and software, and more. A valid Del Mar College ID card must be presented when using the Centers. In addition, notebook computers may be checked out at the Access Services Desk for use within the libraries. Computers are available to the public for research and accessing the Internet in designated locations in the libraries.
TexShare Borrowers Card
Staff and students may request a TexShare library card, which provides direct borrowing privileges at a great many public and college/university libraries throughout the state, including Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, and Coastal Bend College. Contact the library for more information and to obtain a TexShare Borrowers Card.
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