Del Mar College has developed regulations for the purposes of
- proper identification of vehicles of persons who have legitimate business with the College,
- to ensure safety/notification of students/faculty and other persons in an emergency;
- to provide orderly parking, traffic and use of parking facilities;
- issuance of parking permits;
- to ensure pedestrian safety; and
- to provide for enforcement in the event of violation.
The operation of a motor vehicle on Del Mar College property is governed by College policies and regulations.
The fact that a violation notice is not issued when a violation occurs does not imply that the regulation or rule is not in effect. Each operator is responsible for knowing and following the parking rules and regulations.
Campus Security has been charged with the authority to enforce these regulations, including the right to tow vehicles for specific violations and repeat violators. The owner or operator of a towed vehicle is responsible for the cost of towing and storage fees in addition to any other fines.
Proof that a parking or traffic control device, sign, signal or marking was in place at any location on the campus shall constitute prima facie evidence that it was official and was installed under proper authority by College, city, state and federal guidelines.
The College assumes no responsibility for any vehicle or its content while the vehicle is parked or operated on College property. All vehicle operators should lock or otherwise secure their vehicles when parked on any campus of Del Mar College.
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