Incomplete Grade (I)

When you do not complete a course because of illness or extenuating circumstances in any semester, the instructor may assign the “I” grade, signifying that your work is incomplete.

If a grade of "I" is assigned, the instructor will provide you and the department chair with the following: 1) a written reason for the assignment of an “I” grade, 2) a description of the work to satisfy course requirements, 3) a timeline for you to complete the work and 4) a timeline for the instructor to submit a grade change form to the Registrar's Office. The “I” grade will not be computed into the grade point average.

If the “I” grade change is not completed at the end of the subsequent full-term semester (Fall or Spring), the “I” grade will automatically change to an “F” (for failing) in college-level classes, or “R” (for repeat) in developmental classes. Any exceptions to this timeline can be made only with the approval of the Executive Vice President and Chief Academic Officer.

If you have an “I” grade, you may not enroll in the same class in the next semester as a substitution for completing unfinished work on the “I” grade. However, if you receive a grade of “F” or “R” because you failed to complete the requirements for the removal of the “I” grade, you may re-enroll for the same course again. If you repeat the course, the grade in the repeated grade will become the grade of record and will be calculated into the Grade Point Average. The “F” or “R” from the “I” grade that was not completed will remain on the transcript.

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