
Policy and Procedures

All laws of the State of Texas, ordinances of the applicable municipality and rules and regulations of Del Mar College are in effect on the campuses 24 hours a day.

The campus speed limit, on both the East Campus and West Campus, is 10 miles per hour.

Reserved spaces, whether by designated "Reserved" signs or reserved by Campus Security for special events, will be enforced.

Traffic and Parking Notices

Campus Security may issue two types of notification for violations of parking and traffic regulations:

  1. Del Mar College Violation Notices - subject to College fines and a right of students to appeal within the College as defined in the Appeals of Violations Notices or Impounds section the Catalog.
  2. Municipal Citations - issued by local authorities in accordance with state law or city ordinances. These citations are handled through the local court system.


Refer to current parking regulations as provided by Campus Security.

Del Mar College Violation Notice Payments

Payments must be made within 30 days of the date the Violation Notice was issued. Payments may be made at the Business Office, located in the Harvin Student Center (East Campus) or the Coleman Center (West Campus) during business hours.

Payments not made within 30 days will result in a hold being placed against enrollment in a subsequent semester, transcripts or refunds. It may also result in suspension of parking privileges.

Appeals by students must be filed with the Student Government Association within 10 working days of the date Violation Notice was issued. Students must file a written petition for a hearing in the Office of Student Leadership and Campus Life, located in the Harvin Student Center, Room 105 (East Campus); or in the Coleman Center, Room 106 (West Campus).

Appeals of Violation Notices or Impounds

A Student Judiciary Committee (SJC) appointed by the Dean of Student Engagement and Retention helps assure fairness in the issuance of parking Violation Notices. The findings of the SJC are final.

A person who receives a Violation Notice may request an appeal. The appeal is handled through the Student Government Association (SGA). If the Student Judiciary Committee (SJC) finds the Violation Notice was unfounded, the Notice will be null and void.

All requests for appeal must be filed within 10 working days from the issuance of the Violation Notice. The Violation Notice or a copy of the notice must be attached to the appeal form. A person who fails to file the request within this time period waives the right to appeal. Appeals for which 10-day deadline falls within the winter break shall carry over into the beginning of the spring semester.

The appeals committee may summon the individual who issued the Violation Notice if he/she is available to assist the committee.

All appeals will be heard within 15 working days of the date an appeal is requested. Appeals for which the 15-working-day deadline falls within the winter break shall carry over into the beginning of the spring semester.

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