DMC Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy
Del Mar College has adopted the following Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (be advised these standards apply to all financial aid programs and the Hazlewood Act Exemption unless the terms of a particular program indicate otherwise):
Federal/State Regulations require students to be making Satisfactory Academic Progress at the time they receive financial assistance. All financial aid recipients must be enrolled in a program of study leading to an Associate’s degree or a certificate program. All course work attempted at Del Mar College will be evaluated, regardless of whether the student previously received assistance. All transfer course work accepted for credit towards your program at Del Mar College, will be counted towards the maximum time frame.
A student’s academic progress is evaluated after each long semester and at the end of the summer session. The evaluation includes all coursework attempted for the semester/sessions (withdrawals, incompletes and “R” grades will be included in determining the total number of hours for which the student enrolled). It also includes all periods of the student's enrollment, even those for which the student did not receive financial aid. (Rapid Track semesters, mini-semesters and Maymesters will be included in the semester in which they began.)
The Progress Standards required are shown below:
- Must successfully pass the number of hours/credits stated below:
- Students enrolled for a full-time course load, 12 hours or more, will be required to pass a minimum of nine (9) semesters hours of the courses enrolled or
- Students enrolled for three-quarter time, 9 to 11 hours, will be required to pass a minimum of six (6) semesters hours of the courses enrolled or
- Students enrolled for half-time, 6 to 8 hours, will be required to pass six (6) hours of the courses enrolled or
- Students who enroll for less than six (6) hours must complete all hours attempted and
- Must have a 2.0 or better GPA on the minimum numbers of hours required to pass.
- Must maintain an overall 2.0 GPA at the end of the fourth semester, including Summer Terms.
- Must complete a certificate/degree program within the maximum time frame of 150% of the published length of the educational program of your current major (includes Hazlewood Act Exemption but excludes VA education Benefits). For example, if a student is pursuing a program (certificate/associate degree) requiring 64 credit hours, no financial consideration would be available after completing 96 credit hours (150% of 64 credit hours is 96 credit hours), even if the student has not yet earned the certificate/associate degree and meets all other satisfactory academic progress standards.
Successful passing means a student has received a minimum grade of D. Grades of F, I (Incomplete), W (withdrew) are not considered passing courses.
Good Standing
- Students who meet the above requirements are considered to be in good standing for financial aid purposes.
Failure to Meet Standards
Financial Aid Warning
- Financial aid warning is a caution that the student is jeopardizing future eligibility but can still receive financial aid and VA education Benefits and Hazlewood Act Exemption.
- The first time the minimum standard is not met, the student will be placed on a financial aid warning.
- Students who reach the maximum time frame limitation will not receive a warning notification.
- Students who do not have a minimum overall 2.0 GPA at the end of the 4th semester will not receive a warning notification.
- If a student is on financial aid warning and using VA education benefits, the Department of Veterans Affairs will be notified that the student has been placed on probation.
Financial Aid Suspension
- Financial aid suspension is a cancellation/denial of awards or disbursements of financial aid.
- The second time the minimum standard is not achieved; the student will be placed on financial aid suspension.
- Students placed on academic suspension by the Registrar's Office will automatically be placed on financial aid suspension. This financial aid status will continue should the student be granted permission to enroll after an academic suspension appeal. Students under this status must meet the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress standards in order to get back on financial aid and Hazlewood Act Exemption.
- Students placed on enforced scholastic suspension the last time they were enrolled will be on financial aid suspension.
- Any student exceeding the maximum time frame of 150% of the program will be placed on financial aid suspension and this includes Hazlewood Act Exemption but excludes VA education benefits.
- A cumulative 2.0 GPA must still be maintained for students who have attended four semesters, including Summer Terms.
Notification of Status
Students placed on Financial Aid Warning or Financial Aid Suspension will be notified via email of their status after grades are available on DMC's system.
Regaining Eligibility
A student may regain eligibility for financial aid by:
- Paying for expenses related to enrollment from personal resources until the student has satisfied the minimum standards of the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy.
- Students placed on financial aid suspension while enrolled for six (6) or more hours must enroll for six (6) or more hours and meet the minimum requirements as stated above.
- Students placed on financial aid suspension while enrolled less than six (6) hours may enroll for less than six (6) hours and complete all hours with a 2.0 or better to remove the financial aid suspension status; however, their status will only improve to financial aid warning.
- Students who had extenuating circumstances for not maintaining SAP, may appeal the suspension status by filing a written appeal with Financial Aid Services within two (2) weeks from the date the email is sent to the student notifying them of the status for those using the Hazlewood Act Exemption. The time frame for filing an appeal will be strictly enforced.
- The student automatically waives their right to appeal if they fail to submit documentation within two (2) weeks. However, if the student has extenuating circumstances for failing to submit an appeal within the two (2) weeks, the student must be given permission by Financial Aid Services to submit an appeal.
Financial Aid Suspension Appeal Process
Federal regulations provide for hardship waivers based on the death of a relative, personal injury, illness (self and family) or other extenuating circumstances that prevent the student from making progress.
Students must complete a Financial Aid Services Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal packet and a narrative as to the circumstance(s) that prevented SAP and attach supporting documentation such as:
- Death Certificate
- Letter from a doctor on official letterhead
- Police records or court documents
- Other verifiable documents that support the student's claim.
In addition, students must also provide a statement indicating what provisions have been made to ensure the circumstance(s), if any, will not reoccur or interfere with future academic progress. A signed copy of an up-to-date degree plan along with a degree plan summary sheet must also be submitted to Financial Aid Services.
Maximum Time Frame Appeal
A student appealing due to having exceeded the maximum time frame must complete the Maximum Time Frame Appeal form along with a narrative explaining the reasons why the time frame was exceeded. A signed copy of an up-to-date degree plan along with a degree plan summary sheet must also be submitted to Financial Aid Services/Veteran Services Office. If approved, students will only be allowed to register for and complete courses on the degree plan submitted. Any courses taken outside the approved degree will cancel the approved appeal.
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