Sound Recording Technology - Level II, Certificate
(Suggested Occupational Plan)
Total Semester Hours for Certificate: 33
Additional Information
MUAP 1100s (Principal Instrument or Voice): Students are required to register for two sections of MUAP 1100s per semester.
Business Elective: BMGT 2309, BUSG 1341, BUSG 2309 or MRKG 1311.
MUSI 1181, MUSI 1182: Students with advanced piano skills who choose to have piano count as their MUAP instrument may be exempt from Piano I, II, and/or III. This is dependent upon successfully passing a live audition with the piano faculty and must take place at the beginning of the student’s degree. Students who are exempted from Piano I, II, and/or III will substitute a 3 credit hour elective approved by their advisor and the Department Chair.