Evaluation of Military Experience for Credit

You do not have the option of having prior credit reviewed. All previous education and training must be provided to the school for review. This includes all credits from postsecondary institutions and military credits. You may earn credit by evaluation of your credentials when such learning can be documented as substantially equivalent to a Del Mar course. Credit for military experience will be accepted and applied when you follow the procedures below or when you complete a College Credit for Heroes Transcript Request at the Veteran Services Office. For more contact the Veteran Services Office.

Procedures for Having your Military Experience/Education Evaluated for Credit

  1. Request your College Credit for Heroes Transcript by completing the following steps:
    1. Create a College Credit for Heroes (CCH) account or register as a guest user at: https://www.collegecreditforheroes.org/
    2. Login with your username and password
    3. Official Evaluation - Request an official evaluation/transcript by filling out the online official military evaluation request form. Use the instructions provided to have official copies of your transcripts from the military as well as any additional official documentation required sent to CCH. This is a required step to request a College Credit for Heroes transcript be sent to Del Mar College [Please note: If your CLEP, DANTES (DSST) and Excelsior exam results are listed on your military transcript, you do not need to request another copy of the transcript from those organizations directly.]
    4. Upload your DD214 if you are a prior service member, or complete a College Credit for Heroes Evaluation and Transcript Request Form at the Veteran Services Office.
  2. Complete the Transcript Evaluation Request Form (TERF) and submit it to the Registrar’s Office as soon as possible. Please note:
    1. Only if you are currently enrolled or are a former Del Mar College student are you eligible to apply for credit. Evaluation will be done free of charge.
    2. 25% of all coursework required for completion of your degree must be earned by completing courses at Del Mar College.
    3. Departmental Exams for Credit – Each Academic Department Chair sets the requirements to be met in order to take a departmental examination for credit. You may be eligible to apply for this exam if you earned predominantly “A” grades in the subject in high school, scored exceptionally high on a nationally recognized test, or if you can demonstrate to the department chair that you have significant and relevant experience in the subject area. Departmental exams are not given for developmental coursework. Contact your Department Chair for more information.
    4. Credit earned by evaluation of credentials will be determined by the pass/fail method. No grade other than “CR,” the number of credit hours, course number and title are recorded on your transcript.
  3. If you do not request and receive a College Credit for Heroes transcript, you should complete the following steps:
    1. Obtain a petition to record credit in the Registrar’s Office or the appropriate academic department.
    2. Have the petition signed by the department chairperson.
    3. Pay the required fee at the Business Office.
    4. Complete the examination or present documentation for evaluation, such as your Military transcript. If credit is granted, the results will be forwarded by the department chairperson, to the dean and to the Registrar’s Office. You can get more detailed information about testing procedures from the Testing Office at the Multiservice Center or both the East and West Campus Student Enrollment Centers.

Close of First Semester

At the close of the first semester or upon the successful completion of 12 semester hours, you should have military credit and any transfer credits from prior education evaluated and furnish the Veteran Services Office with a copy of the updated degree plan.

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