Student Centered Institution
Del Mar College is an open-admission institution of higher education committed to offering opportunities for academic achievement, career development and lifelong learning that prepares individuals to achieve their dreams in today’s global and technical society. Students will be immersed in some of the greatest works of philosophy, politics, literature, business, science, technology and art that higher education has to offer.
Throughout its academic and student development structure, Del Mar College is committed to supporting the College population in the attainment of an excellent education that will empower students to achieve their career potential and become participating citizens in the community.
The Executive Vice President and Chief Academic Officer carries responsibility for maintaining the College’s position as an instructional leader in all disciplines represented throughout the institution. The faculty focuses on academic excellence and innovation in teaching. The College collaborates with area school districts and universities to facilitate a seamless transition for students as they achieve their educational goals.
The College affirms that student learning is its highest priority. Higher education is essential to human progress. Providing opportunities for demonstrable, measurable student learning multiplies intellectual, cultural and civic development. Del Mar College is committed to these core concepts of a Learning College, as outlined by the League for Innovation in the Community Colleges:
- create substantive changes in individual learners
- engage learners as full partners in the learning process
- insist that students assume primary responsibility for their learning choices
- create and offer as many options for high quality learning as possible
- assist learners in forming and participating in collaborative learning activities
- truly succeed only when improved and expanded learning can be documented for learners
The College upholds the principles of collaborative participation and decision making and views the staff, faculty and students as equal partners in the learning environment. Staff and faculty facilitate student success, encourage students to play an active role in their own learning and development and embrace the diverse needs and backgrounds of the individuals who comprise the student body.
The Dean of Student Engagement and Retention is responsible for administering and coordinating student services and for representing students’ interest to the fullest possible extent. The services provided are an integral part of the educational process and are supportive, informative and geared to benefit the students. Specifically, Student Services:
- affords opportunities for students to develop and enhance intellectual capacity, aesthetic and ethical awareness, social and cultural enrichment and qualities essential for successful scholarship, citizenship and leadership
- supports students’ holistic learning experiences, educational goals, career aspiration and personal development
- regards students with respect and dignity and as unique and diverse individuals
- continually seeks to identify and provide coordinated, comprehensive and quality programs and services to encourage lifelong learning and self-empowerment of students
- empowers students in the acquisition of knowledge and skills essential for success by providing access to College support services, technology and information and
- is committed to standards of excellence and measures its effectiveness by the satisfaction and achievement of the students it serves.
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