Right to an Academic Fresh Start

Texas residents may seek admission to any Texas public post-secondary institution based on the "academic fresh start" statute, Texas Education Code 5.931. To begin the request, you will need to contact the Director of Admissions. You must complete the Right to an Academic Fresh Start Agreement with the Director of Admissions prior to the beginning of the term for which you are seeking admission. In signing the agreement, you confirm that the course credit or grades earned by you 10 or more years prior to the date of the semester in which you plan to seek your enrollment will not be considered for admissions purposes and cannot apply towards your degree.

The Right to an Academic Fresh Start does not change your transcript and cannot be used for financial aid purposes. All coursework is ignored. Students under the Academic Fresh Start provision must still meet the criteria for the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) and other conditions for admission. Academic Fresh Start clears only the academic record. When deciding eligibility for financial aid, the Office of Financial Aid Services must still count all prior credits earned.

Students seeking admission to a selective admission program, i.e. nursing, etc., will need to contact the program director of their major prior to seeking admission into their respective program.

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