
Selection of Students for Verification

The ED selects Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for verification. In addition, ED or Del Mar College may select a student for verification if the information submitted appears to be incorrect or fraudulent. If you have been selected for a process called verification, Del Mar College will be comparing information from your FAFSA with your (and your spouse’s, if you are married) and/or your parents’ Income Tax Return Transcript, or with W-2 forms or other financial documents. Federal Regulations state we have the right to ask you for this information before awarding Federal aid.

Completing Verification

If you are selected for verification, submit the required documents as soon as possible to avoid delays in payment of tuition/fees and delays on receiving book allowance (if eligible) before the term starts. Students are mailed Missing Information Letters, (MIL’s) and Verification Notification emails that explain why their financial aid file is incomplete and what documents they need to submit or what actions need to be taken to complete their financial aid file. If you are selected for verification, submit the required documentation to Financial Aid Services 30 (thirty) days before you expect to have the verification resolved and your account cleared for disbursement. The DMC financial aid staff will work to review verifications sooner than 30 days after submission, but during peak times this may not always be possible. The DMC staff continues to accept and review verification information until the Department of Education’s published correction deadlines for each award year. If you do not submit documentation in time for any changes to be confirmed by the ED, Del Mar College is not responsible for any eligibility lost. It is your responsibility to provide documentation in a timely manner so that deadlines can be met.

Acceptable Documentation

Below is a list all acceptable documentation and forms used:

  • Verification Worksheets: Available online at

  • Federal Income Tax Return Transcript for all people whose income information is required by the ED.

In cases where a conflict is perceived, Financial Aid Services may request additional proof of untaxed income and benefits beyond what is shown on tax returns and verification worksheets.

This proof will vary by agency. For example:

  1. Untaxed Income Sources
  2. Unemployment Benefits-A statement from the agency which provided the benefits.
  3. Signature requirements:
    • Verification Worksheets
    • Dependent Students-Must be signed by the student and one parent
    • Independent Students-Must be signed by the student

Notification of Completion of Verification

Financial Aid Services will rely on the U.S. Department of Education to mail students a copy of their corrected Student Aid Report for notification that the verification changes are complete. If you wish, you may check with Financial Aid Services and see how verification affected their Expected Family Contribution (EFC). The change will be reflected in the award amounts (if any) on the award letter. Award notifications are sent via email to students after all issues related to verification and any other eligibility issues are resolved.

Conflicting Information

If there are differences between your application information and your financial documents, Financial Aid Services will need to make corrections electronically. Since corrections may take some time to process, we encourage you to submit the appropriate documents in a timely manner. If the corrections change your EFC and if you submit the appropriate verification form and required documentation in person, we will let you know of any changes that may affect your eligibility amount at that moment. We will also mail you an award notification letter. While your correction is being processed, your file is considered incomplete and funds will not be awarded.

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