MSCI 1171 Basic Military Sciences

Course Information

Course Description

MSCI 1171. BASIC MILITARY SCIENCE (DRILL AND CEREMONY) "An introduction to basic military science; basic leadership principles at the lowest organizational level; examines the organization, history and roles of the United States Army. Lower level of command, with emphasis on fundamentals and application of the techniques of conducting individual and small unit drill up to platoon level. Studying the history and methods of ceremonial drill. Land navigation, map reading and physical fitness training designed to enhance self-confidence and physical fitness through active participation. Mandatory requirements: Physical Fitness Program (PT); 1 hour block, Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday, 6:00-7:00 a.m. Laboratory: practical training; 90 minute block, Wednesday, 2:30-4 p.m. and field training exercise (FTX) one weekend per semester TBA. Assessment Levels: R3, E2, M2.." (3-2-1)


Must have level 3 in Reading and level 2 in English and Math

CIP Code


Credits (SCH)


