Standards of Student Conduct

To maintain a positive learning environment, it is essential that you conduct yourself according to certain standards of behavior set by the College.

It is your right in attending Del Mar College to retain your individualism, personal freedom, autonomy and dignity, while respecting, at the same time, the rights of others. All students are individuals and display different abilities, skills, interests, appreciations, attitudes, beliefs and values.

You also have a responsibility to yourself, to your fellow students, to your instructors, to College personnel, to the policies of the College and to the law of the land.

These rights and responsibilities include: 

  1. Your Rights
    • The right to expect an education of the highest quality.
    • The right to develop potential to the best of your abilities.
    • The right to inquire about and to recommend improvements in policies, regulations and procedures affecting the welfare of students. The right is best exercised through the Office of Student Leadership and Campus Life or other campus organizations.
    • The right to counsel, to a fair hearing and an appeal when a disciplinary action is applied to you as an individual or as a group member.
  2. Your Obligations and Responsibilities
    • The obligation to be fully acquainted with published rules, regulations and policies of the College and to comply with them in the interest of an orderly and productive college community.
    • The obligation to follow the tenets of common decency and acceptable behavior commensurate with the aspiration implied by a college education.
    • The obligation to respect the rights and property of others.

A full description of the Student Standards of Conduct is available from the Dean of Student Engagement and Retention, Room 204, Harvin Student Center, Del Mar College East, or on the College Web site:, Chapter 7, Policy B7.13.