Veterans Services and Benefits

Del Mar College’s programs are approved for those who wish to attend and receive benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33), Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty (MGIB-AD-Chapter 30), Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR-Chapter 1606), Reserve Education Assistance Program (REAP-Chapter 1607), Veterans Education Assistance Program (VEAP), Education Assistance Test Program (Section 901), Survivors’ and Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program (DEA-Chapter 35), the National Call to Service Program, and Vocational Rehabilitation (Chapter 31). The monthly rate of payment to veterans is determined by Public Law 94-502.

Students attending Texas public institutions of higher education must be in compliance with the Texas Success Initiative (TSI), as of Fall 2003 (Texas Education Code 51.3062) in order to enroll in public institutions of higher education. The law requires all entering college students to be assessed for college readiness in reading, mathematics and writing unless the student qualifies for an exemption. Each student must be placed in a developmental education program designed to help the student achieve college readiness.

Veteran Exemption

A student who on or after August 1, 1990, was honorably discharged, retired or released from active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States or the Texas National Guard or service as a member of the reserve component of the armed forces of the United States may be exempted. The veteran must provide a valid DD214.

Military Exemption

A student who is serving on active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States, The Texas National Guard or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States and has been serving for at least three years preceding enrollment may be exempted. The service member must provide a valid statement of service from his or her unit of assignment.

You are strongly encouraged to consider placement testing under the TSI. Even though you may qualify for the exemption and may be placed directly into college level courses in math and English, this placement may not actually be appropriate based on your academic skills. Taking the placement test will give you a good idea of the appropriate level of coursework. This may help you be more successful in your studies. If you are eligible for this exemption, and elect to take the exemption it is irreversible and you may not be eligible to utilize VA benefits for future developmental coursework. Please contact the Director of the College Veterans Center for more information.

Prior to Enrollment

Prior to enrollment, if you are planning to attend classes and utilize veteran benefits, you should contact the Veteran Services Office to inquire about required documentation relative to your enrollment and “certification” of attendance to the Veterans Administration.

Upon Enrollment

Prior to certification of your initial semester, you must provide an approved, signed degree plan to Veterans Services. Degree plans are available through the Student Enrollment Center or through departmental advisors. Be sure to have copies of all previous transcripts for initial counseling sessions.

You do not have the option of having prior credit reviewed. All previous education and training must be provided to the school for review. This includes all credits from postsecondary institutions and military credits. You may have your military transcript converted to Texas Credit by submitting a College Credit for Heroes Application. For more information refer to or contact the Veterans Services Office.

Close of First Semester

At the close of the first semester or upon the successful completion of 12 semester hours, you should have military credit and any transfer credits from prior education evaluated and furnish Veterans Services with a copy of the updated degree plan.

Each Semester

Each semester, you must advise the Veterans Services Office of courses in which you are enrolled and request certification of Veterans benefits. Courses at Del Mar College are approved for veterans’ training. It is your responsibility to inform Veterans Services Office of any changes in enrollment status. The VA will not be notified of your enrollment or request for benefits if you fail to complete a request for certification for each semester that you intend to use veterans benefits. Requests for VA certification must be received no later than the payment deadline for the registration period.

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