PHRA 1306 Computerized Drug Delivery Systems

Course Information

Course Description

COMPUTERIZED DRUG DELIVERY SYSTEMS PHRA 1306. Computerized Drug Delivery Systems (1-5-3) 51.0805 Fundamentals of computer information systems and technology within the health care system. Includes specialized skills in the production of pharmaceutical documentation using selected pharmacy software packages and an overview of equipment and devices for drug distribution, preparation and manufacturing. Also covers mechanical, automatic, and robotic drug delivery systems. Prerequisites: PHRA 1267, 1309, 1441, 1445 and 2330. Must be taken concurrently with PHRA 2266. Assessment Levels: R3, E3, M3.


Must have completed PHRA 1267, 1309, 1441, 1445, and 2330


PHRA 2266

Credits (SCH)