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2016-2017 Calendar
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Degree and Certificate Programs
Course Descriptions
ABDR - Auto Body Applied Tech
ACCT - Accounting
ACNT - Accounting
AERM - Aviation Maintenance
ANTH - Anthropology
ARCE - Architectural Draft Tech
ARCH - Architectural Draft Tech
ARTC - Engineering
ARTS - Art
ARTV - Architectural Draft Tech
AUMT - Automotive Applied Tech
AUTO - Automotive
AVNC - Avionics Electronics
BA - Business Administration
BCIS - Business Comp Info Sys
BIOL - Biology
BITC - Biotechnology
BMGT - Management Mrk Logistics
BUSG - Management Mrk Logistics
BUSI - Business
CBFM - Occupational Safety Hlth
CDEC - Child Dev Early Childhd
CETT - CompNetwork Elec Tech
CHEF - Hospitality Management
CHEM - Chemistry
CJLE - Police Academy
CJSA - Criminal Justice
CMSW - Human Services
CNBT - Architectural Draft Tech
CNSE - Occupational Safety Hlth
COMG - Industrial Education
COMM - Communications
COSC - Computer Science
CPMT - CompNetwork Elec Tech
CRIJ - Criminal Justice
CRTR - Court Reporting
CSIR - CompNetwork Elec Tech
CSME - Cosmetology
CTEC - Chemical Lab Technology
CTMT - Radiologic Technology
CVOP - Occupational Safety Hlth
DAAC - Human Services
DANC - Dance
DE02 - NonSemLength Dev Ed Interven
DEMR - Diesel Applied Tech
DFTG - Architectural Draft Tech
DHYG - Dental Hygiene
DMSO - Diag Med Sonography
DNTA - Dental Assisting
DRAM - Drama
DSAE - Echocardiography Tech
DSVT - Diag Med Sonography
ECON - Economics
EDUC - Education
EECT - Engineering
ELMT - Engineering
ELPT - Engineering
EMSP - Emerg Med Tech Paramedic
ENGL - English
ENGR - Engineering
ENGT - Engineering
EPCT - Occupational Safety Hlth
ESOL - English Spkrs Othr Lang
FCEL - Engineering
FIRS - Fire Academy Science
FIRT - Fire Academy Science
FREN - French
FREN 2311
FREN 2312
FSEM - Freshman Seminar
GAME - Comp Science Info Tech
GEOG - Geography
GEOL - Geology
GERM - German
GERS - Human Services
GISC - Comp Science Info Tech
GOVT - Government
HAMG - Hospitality Management
HART - Air Condition Appl Tech
HEMR - Diesel Applied Tech
HIST - History
HITT - Health Information Tech
HPRS - Intro to Health Occup
HRPO - Management Mrk Logistics
HUMA - Humanities
IBUS - Management Mrk Logistics
IFWA - Hospitality Management
IMED - Comp Science Info Tech
INEW - Comp Science Info Tech
INMT - Industrial Mach App Tech
INRW - Reading English
INSR - Occupational Safety Hlth
INTC - Engineering
ITCC - Comp Science Info Tech
ITNW - Comp Science Info Tech
ITSC - Comp Science Info Tech
ITSE - Comp Science Info Tech
ITSW - Comp Science Info Tech
ITSY - Comp Science Info Tech
JAPN - Japanese
KINE - Kinesiology
LGLA - Legal Professions
LMGT - Management Mrk Logistics
LOTT - CompNetwork Elec Tech
LTCA - Long Term Nrs Care Admin
MAIR - Building Maint Appl Tech
MAMT - Radiologic Technology
MATH - Mathematics
MCHN - Industrial Mach App Tech
METL - NonDestructive Testing
MLAB - Medical Lab Technology
MRIT - Radiologic Technology
MRKG - Management Mrk Logistics
MRMT - Business Technology
MSCI - Military Science
MUAP - Music,Applied
MUEN - Music Instrmntl Ensem
MUSB - Music Business Tech
MUSC - Music
MUSI - Music
MUS - Music
MUSP - Music,Appl Comp
NDTE - NonDestructive Testing
NMTT - Nuclear Medical Tech
OSHT - Occupational Safety Hlth
OTHA - Occupational Therapy Ast
PED - Physical Education
PHIL - Philosophy
PHRA - Pharmacy
PHYS - Physics
PMHS - Human Services
POFI - Business Technology
POFM - Business Technology
POFT - Business Technology
PSTR - Hospitality Management
PSYC - Psychology
PTAC - Process Technology
PTHA - Physical Therapy Asst
QCTC - Management Mrk Logistics
RADR - Radiologic Technology
RBTC - Engineering
READ - Reading
RNSG - Nurse Education
RSPT - Respiratory Therapy
RSTO - Hospitality Management
SCIT - Chemical Lab Technology
SCWK - Human Services
SGNL - Deaf Studies
SLNG - Deaf Studies
SLPS - Security & Loss Prevention
SOCI - Sociology
SOCW - Social Work
SPAN - Spanish
SPCH - Speech
SRGT - Surgical Technology
SRVY - Architectural Draft Tech
STSC - Student Success
TECA - Child Dev Early Childhd
TECM - Industrial Education
VIE - Vocational Education
VNSG - Vocational Nurse Educ
WIND - Engineering
WLDG - Welding Applied Tech
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Catalog and Student Handbook 2016-2017
Course Descriptions
FREN - French
> 2000
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FREN 2311
Intermediate French I
FREN 2312
Intermediate French II
Up one level
FREN - French