Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Compliance
All new students are required to take a placement test to determine if developmental courses are needed in reading, writing and mathematics as required by the Texas Success Initiative. The TSI Placement Assessment is valid up to five years from the test date.
The purpose of the Texas Success Initiative (TSI), mandated by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board is to grant institutions of higher education the flexibility and responsibility to improve individualized programs and ensure the success of students in higher education. All students must meet placement requirements before enrolling in restricted courses.
** The following examinations all qualify to satisfy the TSI requirement:
ACT - American College Test
TAKS - Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills
SAT - Scholastic Aptitude Test (taken before March 2015)
STARR (EOC) - State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness
NOTE: The above exemptions may be used within a five year period of enrollment.
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