Progression Requirements

Students enrolled in the program must be in good standing:

  • maintain a PGPA of 2.0
  • earn a grade of 'C' or better in each RN to BSN nursing degree course
  • successfully complete all concurrent nursing courses to advance to the next level of degree plans
  • students must earn a Satisfactory Clinical Evaluation in order to progress to the next semester.

An Incomplete ('I') grade is considered a mutual agreement between the student and instructor, both agreeing that all of the requirements necessary for the completion of the course will be done at a date later than the last day of the semester in which the student has enrolled for the class. An 'I' that is not replaced with a grade by the end of the next long semester will automatically change to a grade of 'F', as detailed in the Incomplete Grade (I) section of the Catalog. A student cannot progress to the next semester of the RN to BSN curriculum with an 'I' in a previous nursing course. If the nursing student does not meet the necessary course requirements the 'I' becomes an 'F', and the student must apply for re-admission to the nursing program if eligible.